Breakfast Tacos

If you are looking for a quick and easy breakfast, I have the perfect recipe for you!

One of my favorite recipes are breakfast tacos and and these can be made so many ways, but I’m gonna show you my favorite things to add.




Bitchin Sauce ( usually just cover the bottom of the tortilla) Check em out here!

Shredded Cheese


The amount you need will vary on how many tacos you are making. I typically will use about 3 eggs, 2 pieces of bacon, sprinkle of cheese to cover about 2 tortillas.

While you cook your bacon (I usually use the air fryer at 400 degrees for about 8 min) I get everything else set. Put the eggs in the saute pan and get my tortillas set with the Original Bitchin sauce.

Once eggs and bacon are done, I’ll put the eggs on the tortilla and bitchin sauce and then add cheese and bacon. And enjoy!! You can add seasoning too if you’d like. I do sometimes add Everything But the Bagel Seasoning. So good!!

Let me know if you try this!